Watch out Kylie! Tyga is pursuing random women on Instagram
This Swiss Miss shot down Tyga

More trouble for rapper Tyga. Swiss model Tally Solis rejects flirty messages from Kylie Jenners boyfriend.
Publiziert: 19.10.2016 um 15:00 Uhr
Aktualisiert: 11.09.2018 um 11:20 Uhr
Tally looks like Kim. However, Kylies boyfriend hit on her.
Foto: Instagram
Angelika Meier

Kylie Jenner, watch your man! Your rapper appears to be pursuing other women on social media, BLICK can confirm exclusively. 

Busty Swiss model and make-up artist Tally Solis (20) first enjoyed a flash in the spotlight hanging out with internet-playboy and pornstar-thrower Dan Bilzerian (35) earlier this year. 

Now, no other than Kylie Jenners Boyfriend, Rapper Tyga (26) appears to be pursuing the curvaceous Swiss Miss, Tally confirms exclusively to BLICK. «The first time, he contacted me via Instagram when I was visiting Dan Bilzerian. He wanted to meet immediately.»

At the time, the Moroccan-born beauty agreed to set up a meeting during her next visit to L.A. – assuming Tygas interest was purely professional. «I thought he wanted to cast me in a music video.» 

Proof: Tyga's flirty messages for Tally.
Foto: iPhone Screenshot

But subsequent messages from Tyga's official Instagram-account paint a different picture: Three weeks ago, the rapper writes to Tally again, sending flirty messages and his phone number. He again asks her out.

«I knew he was on holiday with Kylie Jenner up until just a day before that – it's sickening», Tally says to BLICK.

«You really want me to send her this shit you're doing?»

It was only when the racy model sent a clear message back that Tyga stopped pursuing her on social media: «You have one of the most prettiest (sic) and most successful women in the world and yet you're still texting others. You «Men» that have it so hard to find real love and not a gold digger and you're still not satisfied with this gift of a selfmade and loyal woman god gave you or what?»

Adding a final sting, the swiss model, who happens to be in a steady relationship for the last five years, threatens: «You really want me to send her this shit you're doing?» 

That did the trick. Tyga has yet to reply. 

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